How others see him:


He is one of the few Chefs who says:
it’s not ok to do as you do, because …

After teaching cooking for over 6 years at ALMA (International School of Italian Cuisine) Paolo learnt the art of teaching, of leaving a mark inside. His method is all about a generous and direct relationship with the students. Paolo puts himself and his skills at disposal and moreover he lives his experience and shares it. Each of his skills, every “secret” and every point of strength is given entirely to his students as well as to his entourage. Chef Paolo comes into contact with people using straightforwardness and openness, respecting always the history, the sensitivity and the human richness everyone comes along with. In this maieutic “approach”, in ALMA or in his everyday work, Paolo never imposes a single-focused vision, he isn’t interested in making students cook as he cooks, but he tries to lead young people to their own essence and their own truth. The fundamental principle is to bring out the real cook that is in each one, just as one “pulls out” a statue from a marble block. The true cook “forges” by freeing his nature and its potential, sustaining it in method and technique, not covering it with inauthentic things.